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Can Regenerative Medicine Treat My Arthritis?

Arthritis affects one in three Americans. It’s a painful condition that impacts your joints and usually gets worse with age. 

If you’re reading this, you’re probably experiencing the pain of arthritis first-hand. It’s easy to put off treatment in hopes that it gets better, but doing so can make the pain debilitating or could spiral you into depression.

Joint replacements used to be the only way to relieve arthritis pain in the long run. But surgery comes with long recovery times and sometimes isn’t effective. At The Painless Center, located in New Jersey, we offer regenerative medicine to rebuild damaged cells, so you can bring comfort and happiness back into your life.

Using your body’s natural healing process

Do you cringe at the thought of surgery? Stem cell therapy is a nonsurgical way to improve the function of your joints. This cutting-edge technology alters your joint and its surrounding tissues to encourage your body’s natural healing. The results are dramatic and long-lasting, providing you with joint relief for many years to come.

Stem cell therapy is a relatively new form of medicine that, as the name suggests, focuses on using stem cells — your body’s raw materials. Jason Chiu, MD extracts stem cells from your bone marrow and injects your damaged tissues with these healthy stem cells. 

Your immune system responds by sending macrophages, large white blood cells, to engulf the damaged cells and promote healing. Over the next four to six weeks, your stem cells start to multiply and replenish your body with healthy, functioning cells.

What the aftercare is like

Pain relief with stem cells gradually takes time, but it’s entirely worth the wait. Many of our patients start to notice their pain lessening after two weeks.

You may experience some discomfort for three to four days following your procedure. You may use ice to ease some of the discomfort, but only after 24-48 hours. 

Do not use heat on the affected area, as this can cause the pain to worsen. You may take acetaminophen (Tylenol®), and you should rest as much as possible during the first few days of recovery.

Here are some other aftercare tips you should follow:

Remember that the stem cells are fragile. Allowing your body time to properly heal for two months after your injection offers you the best results from your procedure.

Is it right for me?

Undergoing stem cell therapy is an entirely personal decision. If you’re experiencing debilitating pain and are sick of taking medications, stem cell therapy is an all-natural alternative that eliminates the need for surgery. 

Although joint replacements require six to eight weeks of downtime, stem cell therapy allows you to return to work the next day. That means you save time and money by opting for a treatment that won’t make you miss several paychecks.

The best way to find out if you’re a good candidate for stem cell therapy is by meeting with Dr. Chiu. Call us today to schedule your consultation, or book online.

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